Logo Design

Client: Auspicious Baking Company
Agency Credit: Freelance

Project Skills:

  • Logo Design
  • Visual Identity
  • Visual Hierarchy
  • Project Management
  • Client Relations
  • Typography
  • Hand Lettering

About Auspicious Baking Companuy

Auspicious Baking Company is a local bakery in Savannah, GA that was started in 2015. They now have multiple locations and are opening a restaurant due to not only their high quality and tasty pastries, but their amazing customer service and always positive attitude.

The Challenge

The founders of Auspicious came to me with one key goal in mind, to create a legacy logo that best represented who they were as a company and the kind of work that they do. They wanted to do things right the first time so they wouldn't have to rebrand 5 years down the road. They are nearing their 10th year in business with the original logo.

The Solution

Knowing just how hard they worked at creating not only their pasteries, but everything about the business by hand, it seemed most appropriate for the brand to have a completely custom wordmark to mirror their own efforts. A script with extreme contrast was decided on, curving over two bunches of wheat which flank the "Baking Co" part of their name.

A secondary mark was also created featuring the "A" from the main mark by itself, incorperated into a circle that terminated with a piece of wheat. This gave them a little more flexibility with the logo so that it would be able to fit in a square or cicle context as well as the original horizontal lockup.